How to participate beyond Writing Day

If you enjoy your time with us today and would like to continue your blog writing journey, we have a blog writing challenge for you.

Share your blog post in #community-showcase and/or LinkedIn

We hope you are proud of what you’ve written, and there’s a special channel in the WTD Slack to show off work you are proud of! Post your blog post to the #community-showcase and remember to include a description of how your submission relates to the practice of writing, creating, maintaining, or building docs. LinkedIn is also a great place to share what you’ve been working on. Bonus points for doing both!

Write a blog post about your WTD Atlantic Experience (meta!)

Help spread the WTD community love by sharing your experience at this conference. These types of blog posts often show up in the #wtd-conferences channel and are popular on LinkedIn. Up your sharing game by not only posting in WTD Slack and LinkedIn but choose one other channel such as your company Slack, Twitter/X, or another community you are a part of.

Write a blog post for a guest blogging program

Add guest blogging to your resume by finding a guest blogging program and getting published. We will be maintaining a list of vetted guest blogging programs in the quick links below. Don’t  forget to share in the #community-showcase, and make sure you add your experience to your resume and LinkedIn profile. Extra credit to everyone who manages to share this post in at least 4 places!