The Blog Writing Room
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
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Sticker preview
Get your stickers
About the Project
What is The Blog Writing Room?
How can I participate today?
11:30 UTC / 7:30a EDT - Fireside roundtable discussion
12:30 UTC / 8:30a EDT - The Blog Writing Room Workshop
14:00 UTC / 10:00a EDT - Snack break
14:30 UTC / 10:30a EDT - Fireside roundtable discussion
15:30 UTC / 11:30a EDT - The Blog Writing Room Workshop (second session)
Participant Guide
Step 1: Join our table and say hi!
Step 2: Join a fireside roundtable discussion or workshop
Step 3: Get some stickers
Blog Writing Room Challenge
Share your blog post in #community-showcase and/or LinkedIn
Write a blog post about your WTD Atlantic Experience (meta!)
Write a blog post for a guest blogging program
Friendly Guest Blogging Programs
Blogging Resources
About KnowledgeOwl
Welcome Video
Friend of Write the Docs Promotion
About the project
How to participate on Writing Day
How to participate beyond Writing Day
Friendly guest blogging programs
Resources for blogging
About KnowledgeOwl